The resources found on this page are designed to help both new and experienced funding applicants. IWG also publishes a monthly fact sheet in both English and Spanish.
As part of its commitment to a whole of government approach, the Interagency Working Group regularly compiles resources from various federal agencies helpful to anyone seeking support in applying for funding for energy communities. Use the search and filter functions in the table below to navigate various types of resources.
Category | Associated Agency | Resource Type | Resource | Description | Link | Date | ID |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Inflation Reduction Act Direct Pay (Elective Pay) Provision | These provisions allow tax-exempt and governmental entities receive a payment equal to the full value of tax credits for building qualifying clean energy projects. | | 22/06/2023 07:04 PM | 4.332 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Data | US Energy Jobs Report | A comprehensive summary of national and state-level employment, workforce, industry, occupation, unionization, demographic, and hiring information by energy technology groups. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.833 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Tax Credits | 48C(e) Energy Communities Census Tracts | Mapping tool to support applicants in determining potentially qualifying communities for the 40% of 48C allocations dedicated to designated energy communities. | | 31/05/2023 02:38 PM | 4.201 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Demographics | Poverty Guidelines // ASPE | Information on poverty guidelines and poverty in the United States. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.760 |
Data and Maps | Energy Information Administration | Data | Coal Energy Infrastructure and Resources // U.S. Energy Information Administration | The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program will provide grants to states, local governments, tribes, and territories to develop and implement plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.754 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Funding | Better Buildings Financing Navigator | Tool to match organizations and their projects with available financing options. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.834 |
Data and Maps | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | Data | Data & Mapping // BroadbandUSA | Map that shows information on broadband availability within the United States. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.748 |
Technical Assistance | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | Broadband | BroadbandUSA’s Technical Assistance Program | Expert assistance and support to stakeholders that are interested in broadband infrastructure and digital inclusion programs that advance economic development, education and public safety initiatives. | | 06/06/2023 01:56 PM | 4.246 |
Technical Assistance | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Renewables | Clean Cities Technical Assistance | This toolkit acts as a one-stop resource to help rural communities scope, plan, and fund EV charging infrastructure. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.841 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Funding | Innovation Matters: Funding Opportunities, Publications, Events and Learning // U.S. Department of Agriculture | Tax-exempt and governmental entities will be able to receive a payment equal to the full value of tax credits for building qualifying clean energy projects through this provision. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.775 |
Case Studies | Nonfederal | Case Study | Futur-e Thermal power plant redevelopment | How a former coal plant can be converted into a Tourist attraction. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.182 |
Data and Maps | White House | General | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Maps Dashboard | Interactive map that illustrates announced Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding in each state. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.836 |
Tools | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Repurposing | Coal-Fired Power Plant Redevelopment Playbooks | Pennsylvania's Department of Community and Economic Development decommissioned coal-fired power plant redevelopment playbooks are a collaboration between state and local government, community and business stakeholders, environmental analysts, and market experts. | | 24/05/2023 07:21 PM | 4.157 |
Finance | Delta Regional Authority | Funding | Delta Regional Authority | DRA collaborates with local, state, and federal leaders to make investments into projects supporting transportation infrastructure, basic public infrastructure, workforce training, and business development. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.780 |
Directories | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Economic Development | Resources // U.S. Economic Development Administration | Full list of resources offered through the U.S. Economic Development Administration. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.786 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Funding | EPA’s Environmental Finance Center Network | Training and technical assistance to small wastewater and decentralized wastewater treatment works serving approx. 10,000 or fewer people. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.838 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Economic Development | Coal Power Plant Redevelopment Visualization Tool | Map of coal infrastructure and resources in the United States. | | 27/04/2023 03:05 PM | 3.916 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Energy Community Tax Credit Bonus - Energy Communities | Additional guidance on the eligibility for energy community tax credit bonus that includes a mapping tool to determine potentially qualifying communities. | | 28/04/2023 05:24 PM | 3.936 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Tax Credits | Energy Community Tax Credit Bonus Map | Map that shows currently available data on the two types of potentially qualifying energy communities. | | 27/04/2023 03:03 PM | 3.915 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Where to start for Communities Building and Energy Transformation | Virtual workshop with federal agencies and local practitioners to learn about available resources and best practices for addressing industrial change in a community. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.799 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Environmental Justice | Energy Justice Mapping Tool - Disadvantaged Communities Reporter | Tool intended to allow users to explore and produce reports on census tracts that the U.S. Department of Energy has categorized as disadvantaged communities. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.837 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | USDOT’s Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer tool | The ETC interactive web application explores the cumulative burden communities experience as a result of underinvestment in transportation. | | 28/09/2023 04:43 PM | 4.784 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Repurposing | Coal to Nuclear Power - Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) | The GAIN team is engaging with nuclear-curious communities around the country as they consider advanced nuclear in their energy transitions. | | 22/05/2023 01:58 PM | 4.141 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | USDOT Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects (STEAP) | STEAP shows applicants screening of potential project locations anywhere in the United States to support Title VI, environment justice (EJ) & other socioeconomic data analyses. | | 28/09/2023 04:40 PM | 4.781 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Treasury Releases Guidance to Drive Investment to Coal Communities | U.S. Department of the Treasury | Guidance that provides detailed information about the bonus under the Inflation Reduction Act for clean energy projects and facilities located in energy communities. | | 28/04/2023 05:20 PM | 3.935 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Funding | Small Business Programs // U.S. Department of the Treasury | Supports small businesses through loans, credit support, and engagement with financial institutions | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.777 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Technical Assistance and Best Practices | State Small Business Credit Initiative for Capital Access programs, Collateral Support programs, Loan Guarantee programs, and Venture Capital program. | | 10/05/2023 02:49 PM | 4.073 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Justice | Energy Justice Workbook | Workbook that aims to address the question that frequently arises in the context of equity and energy policy: What is energy justice? | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.092 |
Technical Assistance | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Economic Development | Just Transition Fund | Experts connect organizations with federal funding. Technical assistance for early-stage planning through the submission of a federal application with direct coaching and consultation. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.183 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | Website navigator to help you find information across all federal LIHEAP programs. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.097 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Engagement | Best Practices: Public Outreach and Engagement for Geologic Storage Projects | The best practices highlighted in this manual address the practical implications of conducting outreach and education for geologic storage projects across a variety of U.S. geologic and cultural settings. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.079 |
Grant Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Grant Writing | Grant Writing Basics Webinar // U.S. Department of Agriculture | List of resources for every step of the Appalachian Regional Commission grant application process. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.801 |
Technical Assistance | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Tribal | Relationships First and Always: A Guide to Collaborations with Indigenous Communities | This document outlines recommendations for working with Indigenous communities under the knowledge that relationship building with the communities is first and foremost the foundation upon which all collaborations should be centered. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.085 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental justice | Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool | This interactive map identifies overburdened and underserved communities experiencing the burdens of the following eight categories: climate change, energy, health, housing, legacy pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, and workforce development. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.091 |
Technical Assistance | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Economic Development | Shaping Our Appalachian Region | A regional nonpartisan nonprofit that champions local projects, programs, and advocacy for the 54 ARC-mandated counties in Eastern Kentucky. The organization helps to fill the economic gaps left by the decline of the coal industry. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.184 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Solar | DOE SolSmart | The purpose is to prepare communities to be “open for solar business.” | | 09/05/2023 04:32 PM | 4.038 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Energy | Department of Health & Human Services: Contacts for Division of Energy Assistance | Contacts for the Division of Energy Assistance at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.851 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Labor | Labor | Resource Hub // | Resources for apprenticeship including case studies, success stories, guides, fact sheets, and research and data. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.791 |
Technical Assistance | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Economic Development | Community Capacity Initiative | This program will build capacity throughout Appalachia to enable communities to provide large-scale project development assistance. | | 09/05/2023 02:47 PM | 4.031 |
Technical Assistance | Appalachian Regional Commission | Economic Development | Ready Appalachia | This program offers flexible funding to organizations in four key economic development pillars: nonprofits, community foundations, local governments, and Local Development Districts, and free training to the Appalachians that work for them. | | 09/05/2023 03:07 PM | 4.032 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Environmental Justice | CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index // U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Tool to help local officials identify communities that may need support before, during, or after disasters. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.753 |
Technical Assistance | Bureau of Indian Affairs | Tribal | Tribal Electrification Program | This program is to provide financial and technical assistance to Tribes to increase the number of Tribal homes with zero-emission electricity. | | 09/05/2023 11:19 PM | 4.049 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Funding | Community Development Finance Institutions | Program that offers tailored resources and innovative programs that invest federal dollars alongside private sector capital into distressed communities. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.774 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Funding | CDFI Training and Technical Assistance | This program offers a variety of training and direct technical assistance opportunities to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) to strengthen their organizations and, ultimately, serve distressed communities in new and innovative ways. | | 10/05/2023 02:23 PM | 4.072 |
Technical Assistance | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Workforce | The Climate Jobs National Resource Center (CJNRC) and CJNRC’s Action Fund | Strategic and technical support to unions organizing for worker-centered climate action. | | 13/04/2023 01:31 PM | 3.845 |
Finance | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Funding | American Rescue Plan Program Resources // U.S. Economic Development Administration | Information about the American Rescue Plan programs offered through the U.S. Economic Development Administration. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.778 |
Tools | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Economic Development | Grantee Information // U.S. Economic Development Administration | Resources to help grant recipients through every stage of the post award grant process. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.816 |
Directories | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Economic Development | Economic Development Directory // U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) | This directory provides links to local resources including: EDA regional offices, state governments, and Economic Development Districts, Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers, Revolving Loan Funds, University Centers, and Tribal planning organizations. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.785 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Data | Research Reports, Tools, and Data Sources | EDA provides a list of links to different research, tools and data on economic development and assistance. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.812 |
Tools | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Economic Development | Economic Development Administration's Applicant Resources | List of resources to assist prospective applicants with navigating the requirements of grantmaking programs and systems associated with them. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.817 |
Technical Assistance | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Economic Development | Building Resilient Economies in Coal Communities | This program helps communities in coal-reliant regions enact place-based, locally driven development strategies to build thriving, resilient economies. | | 09/05/2023 11:09 PM | 4.048 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Tribal | Indigenous Economic Development Community of Practice | This initiative is designed to convene current and potential EDA tribal grantees to build capacity for project planning and implementation via training and technical assistance for indigenous communities, and to facilitate expanded access to EDA’s economic development funding opportunities for tribes. | | 09/05/2023 11:21 PM | 4.050 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Energy Transitions Playbook | A proven, play-by-play approach to guide community-driven transitions to clean, resilient energy. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.832 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Renewables | Clean Energy Demonstrations on Current and Former Mine Land Program | This program provides no-cost technical assistance to communities and organizations developing clean energy projects on mine land. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.068 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE Local Energy Action Program (LEAP) | Selected low-income, energy-burdened communities are matched with technical assistance providers who aid in clean energy and economic development planning. | | 09/05/2023 04:24 PM | 4.037 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Solar | DOE’s National Community Solar Partnership (NCSP) States Collaborative | Technical assistance to States who explore, launch, or expand community solar programs and maximize the benefits of deploying clean energy. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.840 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Engagement | Community Benefit Agreement (CBA) Toolkit | Toolkit containing a comprehensive guide, FAQs, and PowerPoint presentation to give stakeholders an understanding of Community Benefit Agreements. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.080 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Repurposing | Technical Assistance for Manufacturers in Former Coal Communities | DOE experts are available to help manufacturers assess what types of assistance would be most impactful based on an individual company’s priorities and challenges focusing on assessing eligibility, enhancing the impact of projects that may be supported and connecting manufacturers to existing programs and resources. | | 09/05/2023 07:07 PM | 4.043 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Building Your Energy Team | Resources to assist states, local governments, and K–12 school districts in building energy teams, including position description templates, national programs that support public-sector energy teams, and case studies. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.794 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Renewables | State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) Platform // U.S. Department of Energy | Online platform to support data-driven state and local energy and decarbonization planning. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.752 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | State and Local Solution Center // U.S. Department of Energy | Technical assistance opportunities to help an organization reach its energy efficiency and renewable energy goals. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.792 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Energy | Solar | Federal Solar Tax Credits for Businesses | Overview of the federal investment and production tax credits for businesses, nonprofits, and other entities that own solar facilities, including both photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) energy generation technologies. | | 31/08/2023 12:01 PM | 4.678 |
Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Solar | Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics | This guide provides an overview of the federal investment tax credit for residential solar photovoltaics (PV). It does not constitute professional tax advice or other professional financial guidance and may change. | | 31/08/2023 11:59 AM | 4.677 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Engagement | Fact Sheet: FECM Domestic Engagement Framework | Summary of the two-way engagement between the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management and stakeholders to foster successful projects. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.082 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Energy | Funding | Funding & Financing // U.S. Department of Energy | Information about the various grant, loan and financing programs offered through the U.S. Department of Energy. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.779 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Tribal | DOE Office of Tribal Energy Technical Assistance | Technical assistance related to energy use and future scenarios for U.S. state, local, and tribal jurisdictions. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.185 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Community Benefits Plans | About Community Benefits Plans | Learn more about community benefits plans. Includes a list of frequently asked questions. | | 12/05/2023 04:35 PM | 4.096 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C) Program | The Advanced Energy Project Credit provides a tax credit for investments in advanced energy projects, as defined in 26 USC § 48C(c)(1). | | 31/05/2023 07:08 PM | 4.215 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE Building America's Clean Energy Future Interactive Map | This interactive map showcases private sector investments in the United States creating good paying clean energy jobs across the nation. | | 19/09/2023 02:47 PM | 4.741 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE's Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program | This guidance document provides a comprehensive overview of the Title 17 program and describes eligible project types, application requirements, loan terms and conditions, and evaluation criteria. | | 07/08/2023 04:24 PM | 4.512 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE's Title 17 Part I Application Instructions | The intent of the Part I Application is to determine the project’s eligibility and readiness to proceed through the application process. | | 07/08/2023 04:29 PM | 4.513 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE's Title 17 Part II Application Instructions | The intent of the Part II Application is to determine the project’s readiness to proceed into due diligence based on programmatic, technical, environmental, and financial evaluation. | | 07/08/2023 04:32 PM | 4.514 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE Energy Storage for Social Equity | This initiative assists as many as 15 underserved and frontline communities to leverage energy storage as a means of increasing resilience and maximizing energy flexibility. | | 09/05/2023 04:20 PM | 4.036 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Doing Business with DOE // U.S. Department of Energy | Resources for small businesses considering doing business with the U.S. Department of Energy. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.818 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Energy Savings Hub | Online one-stop shop provides homeowners, renters and drivers the latest tax credits on clean energy and energy-efficient products and upgrades available to the public. | | 28/04/2023 04:40 PM | 3.930 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Workforce | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Technical Assistance Opportunities | This program supports local governments, tribes, and states to reduce barriers to achieving their clean energy and energy efficiency goals and maximize project impact. | | 09/05/2023 06:32 PM | 4.042 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE State and Community Energy Programs | State-led technical assistance in energy related training, energy efficiency, block grants and other methods to expand the weatherization provider network to assist low-income families with home energy retrofits. | | 09/05/2023 05:48 PM | 4.039 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Renewables | DOE State and Local Solution Center | State and Local Solution Center provides states and communities with resources addressing strategic energy planning, policy, financing, data management, and technologies to help them implement successful energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. | | 09/05/2023 05:58 PM | 4.041 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Guide to Community Energy Strategic Planning | This guide explains how to best establish a leadership team to effectively develop and implement a community energy strategic plan. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.793 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Engagement | Creating a Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan | Guidance for developing an engagement plan for building relationships with stakeholders when implementing a U.S. Department of Energy grant. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.074 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Environmental Justice | Creating a Justice40 Initiative Plan | This document walks through the two main activities needed to address energy and environmental justice in a project. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.076 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Plans | Guide that describes the actions to take if selected for a U.S. Department of Energy award, to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for groups underrepresented in STEM and applicable workforces. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.075 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Engagement | Fact Sheet: Societal Considerations and Impacts – Project Selection | Factsheet outlining scoring factors the U.S. Department of Energy will look at to assess societal considerations and impacts in certain funding applications. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.078 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Engagement | Fact Sheet: Community Benefit Plans At a Glance | Factsheet providing an overview of Community Benefit Plans that are required for certain U.S. Department of Energy grant programs. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.077 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Cleanup | EPA’s Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities Program | Matches consultants with communities to support brownfield redevelopment and access to EPA funding. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.842 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Economic Development | EPA Community Revitalization | Resources from across EPA to help communities protect the environment, improve health, and strengthen their economies. | | 09/05/2023 11:30 PM | 4.051 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Water | NEW BIL Resources for Drinking Water | This webpage features resources that can assist states and water systems with the implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.823 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Justice | Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool // U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | The Environmental Justice Mapping and Screening Tool provides demographic, socioeconomic and environmental information for a geographic area. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.751 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Justice | Environmental Justice Thriving Communities TA Centers (TCTAC) | TCTACs provide support for identifying community opportunities for clean energy transition and financing options. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.187 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Justice | Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis | Guide to help EPA analysts evaluate potential environmental justice concerns associated with EPA regulatory actions. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.093 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental | EPA Grant writing webinar // U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Webinars for those interested in applying for EPA grants or are currently managing an EPA grant. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.808 |
Grant Education | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Grant Writing | EPA Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients // U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | This online training course walks applicants and recipients through EPA's grant life cycle. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.807 |
Grant Education | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Grant Writing | How to Develop a Budget // U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | This online training course is designed to introduce U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant applicants and recipients to key aspects of grant budget development. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.806 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Cleanup | Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) | This program funds projects that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of air pollution, with a particular emphasis on projects in low-income and disadvantaged communities. | | 10/05/2023 01:28 PM | 4.054 |
Directories | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Renewables | Renewable Energy Project Development Resource Directory // U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Directory of all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency energy project development resources, including case studies, publications, trainings, fact sheets and more. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.784 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Justice | Tools to Support Environmental Justice | Tools and other resources to help local communities protect their environment and public health. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.094 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Cleanup | Climate Pollution Reduction Grants | Map that shows overburdened and underserved census tracts. | | 24/05/2023 07:09 PM | 4.156 |
Finance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Cleanup | Funding to Address Air Pollution: Methane, Fenceline, Multipollutant | This program funds projects that reduce pollution while creating jobs and increasing energy security. | | 31/05/2023 02:15 PM | 4.200 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Cleanup | EPA’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Landing Page (also known as IIJA) | Information on Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investments through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.822 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Energy | Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Research Grants: Drivers and Environmental Impacts of Energy Transitions in Underserved Communities | STAR grants seek applications proposing community-engaged research that will address the drivers and environmental impacts of energy transitions in underserved communities. | | 26/05/2023 05:20 PM | 4.191 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Justice | Technical Assistance Services to Communities: EPA | This technical assistance helps communities better understand the science, regulations and policies of environmental issues and EPA actions. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.067 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Water | Water Technical Assistance Page | Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) services support communities to identify water challenges, develop plans, build capacity, and develop application materials to access water infrastructure funding. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.824 |
Tools | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Disaster | NEW FEMA Roadmap to Federal Resources for Disaster Recovery for state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to navigate common challenges in the complex post-disaster funding landscape. | Resource for state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to navigate common challenges in the complex post-disaster funding landscape. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.825 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | Federal Highway Administration Technical Assistance/Local Support | Support to local public agencies with technical assistance for planning, design, construction, preserving, and improving public roads. | | 12/06/2023 01:05 PM | 4.261 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | DOT Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) | The LTAP program supports local and rural road agencies across the US and Puerto Rico by providing training, technical assistance and technology transfer services to help them manage and maintain their roadway systems. | | 14/08/2023 10:40 PM | 4.626 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | DOT Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) | TTAP delivers highway curriculum and technical assistance to the 567 federally-recognized tribes. These resources enable them to build workforce capacity and innovatively address roadway network challenges. | | 14/08/2023 10:57 PM | 4.627 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | Federal Highway Administration Technical Assistance | Listing of formal technical assistance provided by entities or programs that can support disadvantaged communities, biking, multi use paths, and active transportation. | | 22/05/2023 02:03 PM | 4.142 |
Grant Education | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Grant Writing | Learn Grants // | This Learning Center includes articles on grant topics, a community blog and FAQs to help you navigate federal grants. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.803 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Funding | Federal Grants | Federal funding opportunities for organizations and entities supporting the development and management of government-funded programs and projects. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Health and Human Services | Programs & Services // | Information on more than 100 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services programs. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.790 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Economic Development | HUD Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program | The program helps HUD's customers navigate complex housing and community development challenges by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, tools, capacity, and systems to implement HUD programs and policies successfully. | | 10/05/2023 02:17 PM | 4.071 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Economic Development | Distressed Cities and Persistent Poverty Technical Assistance (DCTA) | Through DCTA, HUD provides technical assistance directly to entities serving smaller communities with populations under 50,000. | | 10/05/2023 02:13 PM | 4.070 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Economic Development Administration | Economic Development | Applying for an EDA Grant: A How-To Guide | A how-to guide on applying for EDA grants. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.070 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental Cleanup | Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program | Supports the Indian Health Service mission, and provides technical and financial assistance to American Tribes and Alaska Native Villages for the development and construction of safe drinking water supply, sewage, solid waste disposal facilities, and related support facilities. | | 10/05/2023 02:05 PM | 4.068 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Credits and Deductions Under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 | Internal Revenue Service (IRS) | A list of tax credits for vehicles, energy related credits and bonus incentives, credits for individuals, credits and deductions for businesses and related resources. | | 28/04/2023 05:15 PM | 3.934 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | IRS: Credits and Deductions Under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 | Updates guidance for taxpayers on all credits and deductions from the Inflation Reduction Act as it becomes available. | | 27/06/2023 06:32 PM | 4.341 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | IRS, Elective Pay and Transferability | In this document, the IRS provides answers to frequently asked questions on Elective Pay and Transferability. Q15 pertains to the Energy Community Tax Credit Bonus. | | 22/06/2023 09:15 PM | 4.333 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | IRS Elective Pay and Transferability Frequently Asked Questions: Elective Pay | IRS and Treasury provide guidance on the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit. |,Energy%20Credit%20%2848%29%2C%20%28Form%203468%2C%20Part%20VI%29%20 | 30/08/2023 09:29 PM | 4.675 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | IRS and Treasury provide guidance on the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit | Internal Revenue Service | Overview of the clean energy, climate mitigation and resilience, agriculture, and conservation-related funding programs in the Inflation Reduction Act for which Tribes are eligible. | | 28/04/2023 05:25 PM | 3.937 |
Technical Assistance | Nonfederal | Funding | Webinar: New NACo Resource for Understanding the BIL: Funding Table for County Governments | Webinar detailing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding opportunities accessible by counties, including details on how to access funding, special eligibility requirements and federal cost share information. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.764 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE Advanced Manufacturing and Recycling | Provides technical assistance and grants to small and medium manufacturers in former coal communities to re-equip, expand or establish a manufacturing or recycling facility for the production or recycling of advanced energy technologies or to re-equip an industrial or manufacturing facility with equipment designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of that facility. | | 09/05/2023 03:19 PM | 4.034 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Repurposing | Clean Energy Demonstration on Mine Land Technical Assistance | Connects transportation stakeholders with objective information and experts to assist with alternative fuels, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies. | | 14/02/2023 07:47 PM | 3.349 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | DOE Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas Technical Assistance | National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) provides no-cost technical assistance to communities and organizations interested in energy improvements in rural or remote areas. | | 11/07/2023 04:01 PM | 4.403 |
Technical Assistance | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Energy | NREL Technical Assistance | Technical assistance programs available through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.095 |
Case Studies | U.S. Department of Energy | Coal Plant Transition | Coal-dependent Communities in Transition: Identifying Best Practices to Ensure Equitable Outcomes | Examines the role of communities in the coal power plant decommissioning process and provides community-identified best practices to ensure an equitable process. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.739 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge | This program helps provide planning support, technical assistance, and training to foster placemaking activities in rural communities. | | 10/05/2023 04:48 PM | 4.077 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | IRA Pocket Guides | Overview of the clean energy, climate mitigation and resilience, agriculture, and conservation-related tax incentives and investment programs in the Inflation Reduction Act. | | 25/09/2023 07:51 PM | 4.770 |
Grant Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | Rural Development: Key Priorities | Priority Points, or discretionary points, are additional points added to an established scoring criterion that USDA Rural Development uses to help determine which projects qualify for funding. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.188 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | USDA: Rural Development Programs | Loans, grants and loan guarantees, and technical assistance to support economic development, community empowerment, agricultural producers and cooperatives, and housing. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.189 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | Strategic Economic and Community Development Program | Supports projects that promote and implement strategic community investment plans to advance prosperity in rural communities. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.072 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training | Loans, grants and loan guarantees, and technical assistance to support economic development, community empowerment, agricultural producers and cooperatives, and housing. | | 10/05/2023 04:46 PM | 4.076 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Broadband | Broadband Technical Assistance | Provides financial assistance to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training and supports the development and expansion of broadband cooperatives. | | 10/05/2023 04:29 PM | 4.074 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Water | USDA Circuit Rider Program - Technical Assistance for Rural Water Systems | This program provides technical assistance to rural water systems that are experiencing day-to-day operational, financial or managerial issues. | | 15/08/2023 03:02 PM | 4.632 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Water | Water & Waste Disposal Technical Assistance & Training Grants | Private nonprofits provide technical assistance and training to identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste problems; helps applicants prepare applications for water and waste disposal loans/grants; and helps associations improve the operation and maintenance of water and waste facilities in eligible rural areas. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.190 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Funding | USDA LINC Training & Resource Library // Rural Development | A comprehensive library of resources for all U.S. Department of Agriculture Lender Interactive Network Connection lending partners. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.772 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | USDA Rural Innovation Workshops | Create a forum for public and private partners to help increase access to workforce opportunities across rural America through in-person workshops. | | 10/05/2023 07:31 PM | 4.078 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | Rural Partners Network | The Rural Partners Network (RPN) is an alliance of federal agencies and commissions working directly with rural communities to expand rural prosperity through job creation, infrastructure development, and community improvement. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.811 |
Tools | Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) | Substance Abuse | Rural Community Toolbox: Funding & Tools to Build Healthy Drug-Free Rural Communities | The Rural Opioid Federal Interagency Working Group (IWG) created this interactive online tool to empower rural community leaders to assess the causes and impact of substance use disorder and find federal programs to help them build strong healthy drug-free rural communities. | | 14/08/2023 05:10 PM | 4.617 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Economic Development | Rural America Placemaking Toolkit | Resource to identify placemaking projects that align with your community capacity and plan how to execute them. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.743 |
Technical Assistance | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration | Substance Abuse | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Tribal Assistance | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Tribal Assistance The Tribal Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Center offers TA on mental and substance use disorders, suicide prevention, and mental health promotion using the Strategic Cultural Framework. | | 10/05/2023 02:09 PM | 4.069 |
Finance | U.S. Department of Treasury | Funding | Financing Infrastructure to Move America Forward | DOT’s Build America Bureau helps communities with resources on technical assistance and financing (how to apply for funding opportunities) for transportation infrastructure. | | 15/09/2023 04:55 PM | 4.724 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | US Department of Transportation Navigator | The U.S. Department of Transportation Navigator is a new resource to help communities understand the best ways to apply for grants, and to plan for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.828 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | DOT Strong Climate Change Mitigation Grant Checklist | This checklist is furnished to spark thoughts and ideas for applicants to consider in developing a strong application. | | 26/04/2023 02:02 PM | 3.905 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | USDOT New Data and Mapping tools | These maps provide a high-level overview and guidance on resources that may be useful in writing a strong discretionary grant application and developing transportation projects that meet the needs of the community they serve. | | 28/09/2023 04:42 PM | 4.783 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Tools/Resources | USDOT’s Grant Resource Guide | The following USDOT resources provide checklists and information to help you prepare and apply for federal grants and maximize your chances of award success. | | 28/09/2023 04:44 PM | 4.785 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | Webinars: Navigating USDOT Funding and Technical Assistance | The Department of Transportation provides tips and resources through webinars to navigate their funding opportunities and technical assistance. | | 30/08/2023 09:26 PM | 4.674 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | DOT Thriving Communities | Supports communities with planning and project development of infrastructure projects that increase affordable transportation options, enhance economic opportunity, reduce environmental burdens, improve access and quality of life, and provide other benefits to disadvantaged communities. | | 09/05/2023 07:29 PM | 4.045 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Economic Development | EPA Thriving Communities | Helps communities plan and develop transportation and community revitalization activities for under resourced communities. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.186 |
Grant Education | U.S. Department of Transportation | Grant Writing | How to Apply // U.S. Department of Transportation | Instructions on how to submit applications through | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.802 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Electric Vehicles | Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure | Rural electric vehicle toolkit that includes information for EV charging and funding, particularly for rural communities. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.795 |
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Electric Vehicles | DOT Rural Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Toolkit | The Rural EV Infrastructure Toolkit serves as a one-stop shop to help rural stakeholders scope, plan, and fund EV charging infrastructure. | | 15/05/2023 07:02 PM | 4.110 |
Data and Maps | White House | Fact Sheet | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Law One Year Fact Sheet | This lists the progress and investment made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. | | 26/05/2023 02:26 PM | 4.183 |
Data and Maps | White House | Funding | Investing in America: State by State Fact Sheets | The report delivers the results of BIL projects and opportunities with visual tools mapping projects. | | 26/05/2023 03:25 PM | 4.187 |
Tools | White House | Funding | Investing in America: Results from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law | Newsletter from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Innovation Center that highlights funding, publications, events and other relevant resources. | | 25/05/2023 07:08 PM | 4.177 |
Technical Assistance | Multiple | Tribal | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Tribal Playbook | Tool to help Tribal communities identify programs and sources of funds specifically set aside for Tribal communities under the law as well as provide a guide to Tribal eligibility for other programs under the law. |,jobs%20in%20every%20Tribal%20community. | 24/05/2023 08:02 PM | 4.158 |
Technical Assistance | Multiple | Rural Assistance | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Rural Playbook | Tool to help rural communities understand the available funding for infrastructure provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.761 |
Tools | White House | Funding | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Law State Fact Sheets | State-by-state fact sheets which provide more detailed information about announced Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding and projects in each state. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.835 |
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | IRA Clean Energy Tax Provisions | These fact sheets provide state-by-state and territory-specific impact of President Biden's Investing in America program. | | 26/05/2023 03:07 PM | 4.185 |
Tools | White House | Funding | IRA Guidebook | This provides a data spreadsheet listing key information about clean energy tax provisions and links to the latest announcements related to their implementation. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.010 |
Tools | White House | Funding | IRA Tribal Guidebook | These pocket guides highlight the programs that rural communities may be able to take advantage of as they work toward building a stronger workforce, a more resilient economy, and making climate-smart investments. | | 26/05/2023 02:47 PM | 4.184 |
Data and Maps | White House | Investment | Private Sector Investment Map | Investing in America: Private Sector Investment Announcements | | 26/05/2023 03:10 PM | 4.186 |
Tools | White House | Funding | White House Guidebook to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments, and Other Partners | This guidebook provides an overview of BIL projects and contacts. | | 26/05/2023 02:02 PM | 4.181 |
Technical Assistance | White House | Tools/Resources | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Technical Assistance Guide | A guide to help make it easier for communities across the country to navigate, access, and deploy Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding. | | ||
Technical Assistance | White House | Workforce | Advancing Equitable Workforce Development for Infrastructure Jobs | This guidebook provides an overview of funding included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other key federal funding sources that support workforce development. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 3.069 |
Finance | White House | Funding | White House Bipartisan Infrastructure Funding Opportunity List | Provides a list of open and upcoming infrastructure funding opportunities. | | 26/05/2023 02:17 PM | 4.182 |
Technical Assistance | Multiple | Funding | BIL Funding: How to Use the Guidebook | Recording of White House webinar providing an overview of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.765 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Resilience | BIL Funding for Resilience | Recording of White House webinar providing details on resilience programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.769 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | BIL Funding for Roads, Bridges, and Major Projects | Recording of White House webinar providing details on roads, bridges, and major projects within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.766 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Remediation | BIL Funding for Environmental Remediation | Recording of White House webinar providing details on environmental remediation programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.770 |
Technical Assistance | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | Broadband | BIL Funding for Broadband | Recording of White House webinar providing details on broadband programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.771 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Water | BIL Funding for Water | Recording of White House webinar providing details on water programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook. | | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.768 |
Directories | Northern Border Regional Commission | Place Based | Northern Border Regional Commission | Directory of contacts at the Northern Border Regional Commission [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.855 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Commerce | Economic Development | Department of Commerce | Directory of contacts at the Department of Commerce. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.848 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Homeland Security | Security | Department of Homeland Security | Directory of contacts at the Department of Homeland Security. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.850 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Department of Energy | Directory of contacts at the Department of Energy. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.845 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Assistance | Department of Agriculture | Directory of contacts at the Department of Agriculture. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.849 |
Directories | Appalachian Regional Commission | Place Based | Appalachian Regional Commission | Directory of Contacts at the Appalachian Regional Commission. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.852 |
Directories | Delta Regional Authority | Place Based | Delta Regional Authority | Directory of contacts at the Delta Regional Authority. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.854 |
Directories | Southeast Regional Commission | Place Based | Southeast Crescent Regional Commission | Directory of contacts at the Southeast Crescent Regional Authority. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.856 |
Directories | White House | Infrastructure | White House Infrastructure Implementation Team | Directory of contacts at the White House Infrastructure Implementation Team. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.843 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Transportation | Transportation | Department of Transportation | Directory of contacts at the Department of Transportation. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.844 |
Directories | U.S. Department of Interior | Tribal | Department of Interior | Directory of contacts at the Department of Interior. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.847 |
Directories | Denali Commission | Place Based | Denali Commission | Directory of contacts at the Denali Commission. [email protected] | mailto:[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.853 |
Directories | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental | Environmental Protection Agency | Directory of contacts at the Environmental Protection Agency. State&[email protected] | mailto:State&[email protected] | 23/01/2023 07:14 PM | 2.846 |
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Environmental | Community Change Grants Technical Assistance | EPA Technical Assistance to provide support for preparing an application for the Community Change Grants. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs | Planning and Project Development and Delivery | Tribal Climate Resilience: Regional Climate Resilience Coordinators | The Bureau of Indian Affairs has Regional Climate Resilience Coordinators to better facilitate in-person technical assistance needs to Tribes and Tribal organizations. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Commerce | Planning and Project Development and Delivery | Thriving Communities Network: Economic Development Communities of Practice | DOC's Economic Development Administration established eight Communities of Practice to strengthen America’s economic development infrastructure by capturing, organizing, and scaling practices at a national level. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Interior | Environmental | Surface Mining Reclamation Technical Assistance | A training curriculum to educate new and existing Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement employees and State/Tribal staff about the BIL statutory provisions and policy guidance for the Abandoned Mine Land Program. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Interior | Environmental | Native American Affairs Technical Assistance Program (Water) | This program provides technical assistance to assist Indian Tribes to develop, manage, and protect their water and related resources. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Health and Human Services | HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity Support for the Health Sector | The Quickfinder for Leveraging the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for the Health Sector helps health stakeholders take advantage of the opportunities for resilience and emissions reduction. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Labor | WorkforceGPS | WorkforceGPS is an on-line interactive communications and learning platform designed to build the capacity of the workforce development system. | | |||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Labor | Education | Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Technical Assistance (TA) Centers of Excellence | Designated entities that provide technical expertise and services on a national scale to key Registered Apprenticeship program stakeholders and customers to accelerate and support Registered Apprenticeship program expansion. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Commerce | Technical Assistance | Climate Resilience Regional Challenge, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Supports collaborative approaches to achieving resilience in coastal regions with an emphasis on risk reduction, regional collaboration, equity, and building enduring capacity. Expert technical assistance is provided to all applicants developing full proposals. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Commerce | Technical Assistance | Climate Ready Workforce for Coastal States, Tribes, and Territories Competition | Workforce training to advance climate resilience. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Education | Conservation Technical Assistance Program (CTA) | This program equips farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners with the resources and trainings needed for conservation and restoration of their lands. Financial assistance is also provided to applicants. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Labor | Technical Assistance | Occupational and Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Susan Harwood Training Grant Program | Program funds development and delivery of trainings on workplace safety and worker rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Labor | Education | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) On-Site Consultation Program | Provides no-cost, confidential occupational safety and health assistance to small- and medium-sized employers. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Labor | Technical Assistance | Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Grant | Expands pathways for women to enter and lead in all industries by recruiting, mentoring, training, and retaining more women in quality pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Federal Emergency Management Administration | Planning and Project Development | Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation | Experts provide specialized guidance and practical long-term planning assistance to communities across the county to ensure that proposed projects align with environmental planning and preservation requirements. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Technical Assistance | Federal Energy Funding For Rural and Remote Areas | This guide is for members, interested parties, and decision makers of, or partners to, a rural or remote community who are looking for federal funding and support for local energy projects. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Technical Assistance | Flood Plain Management Services, US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) | Provides a full range of technical services and planning guidance that is needed to support effective floodplain management. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Clean Energy for Low-Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) Toolkit | This toolkit provides an overview of tools, resources, and models for developing low-income energy efficiency and renewable energy programs based on work in the U.S. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) | Offers resources and publications to state and local decision makers as they provide low-cost, reliable energy to their communities through energy efficiency. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) | Supports building energy code development, adoption, implementation and enforcement processes to achieve the maximum practicable, cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency while providing safe, healthy buildings for occupants. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Grid Solutions Program | This program seeks to tackle planning and market design challenges head-on by providing holistic solutions to address key grid challenges. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Better Buildings Toolkits | Provides guidance, resources, and best practices for overcoming common barriers to financing, technology implementation, data management, and more. Toolkits are grouped by decarbonization, energy data management, financing, lighting, renewables, and space conditioning | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Clean Cities Coalition Network | Connects transportation stakeholders with objective information and experts to assist with alternative fuels, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) | This tool is used to help stakeholders understand housing and energy characteristics for low- and moderate-income households. Using data, maps, and graphs from the LEAD Tool, stakeholders can make data-driven decisions when planning for their energy goals. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) | A tool to enable data-driven state and local energy planning by integrating dozens of distinct sources of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation data and analyses into an easy-to-access online platform that more effectively supports state and local energy planning and decision making | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Education | Renewable Energy Siting Through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) | Supports state-based siting programs that serve as a resource to their local areas, R-STEP aims to help communities better plan for and meaningfully engage in the development of renewable energy projects. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Education | Low Emissions Electricity Program | This program provides funding to EPA to conduct a variety of activities related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation and use. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Technical Assistance | Environmental and Climate Justice Program | This Technical Assistance Program will support applicants and recipients under the Environmental and Climate Justice Program (ECJP) to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience and build community capacity to respond to environmental and climate justice challenges. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Technical Assistance | Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) | EPA’s Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) increases access to safe and reliable water services for communities nationwide and to help them access BIL funding. IT includes hands-on support for communities to identify water infrastructure or water quality challenges, develop plans to address these challenges, prepare application materials to finance water infrastructure projects. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Education | Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center | Provides webinars, learning modules, and financial tools for communities looking to fund water-related projects. As part of this toolkit, the website also includes a clearinghouse where visitors can search for federal, state, and private funds across the country. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Technical Assistance | BIL Pollution Prevention Grant Program | Provides businesses with technical assistance (e.g., information, training, tools) to encourage the development and implementation of pollution prevention (P2) practices. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Technical Assistance | Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Construction Materials and Products | Establishes grants, direct technical assistance, and a labeling program to help manufacturers, institutional buyers, real estate developers, builders and others measure, report and lower the levels of embodied carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions associated with all relevant stages of production, use and disposal of construction materials and products including steel, concrete, asphalt and glass. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Education | Center for Transportation Workforce Development | The Center provides program support, technical assistance, and workforce development activities in partnership with federal, state, and local agencies; industry organizations; schools, colleges, and universities; and other education providers. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Education | Tribal Technical Assistance Program | Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) Centers serve as a local resource for Tribal transportation training, technical assistance, and technology transfer needs and opportunities to enhance the quality of life in Tribal communities. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Technical Assistance | Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Resource Center | FHWA’s Resource Center is home to a national staff of subject matter experts covering 18 specialty areas and has been the primary source of training, technical assistance, and technology deployment services to support FHWA’s Federal partners, state and local transportation agencies, and other stakeholders. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Education | Center for Environmental Excellence | The AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence provides access to programs, policies, case studies, and other resources related to the role of transportation in support of livable and sustainable communities, including multimodal transportation options that advance public health goals. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Technical Assistance | Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Technical Assistance Center (TAC) | The Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (PTASP) Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides comprehensive technical assistance to help the transit industry meet PTASP regulation requirements, as outlined in 49 CFR part 673. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Education | Pipeline Safety Information Grants to Communities | Supporta communities with engineering, research, and other scientific analysis of pipeline safety issues, including the promotion of public participation on technical pipeline safety issues in proceedings related to the pipeline safety regulations. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Education | Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Successes (ROUTES) | ROUTES provides technical assistance to rural communities and Tribes to address disparities in rural transportation infrastructure and economic development opportunities. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Technical Assistance | Small Business Transportation Resource Centers | Utilizing partnerships and industry expertise, Small Business Transportation Resource Centers (SBTRCs) providea business counseling that includes market research, training, certification, and procurement technical assistance. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Technical Assistance | Distressed Cities and Persistent Poverty Technical Assistance - HUD Exchange | Provides technical assistance directly to entities serving smaller communities with populations under 50,000 with a focus on improving local governments’ internal capabilities, financial management practices, strategy and planning ability, ability to implement community plans, (e.g. housing, economy, disaster, climate resilience), and ability to access funding streams and other resources. |,implement%20projects%2C%20and%20accomplish%20goals. | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Technical Assistance | Green and Resilient Retrofit Program | Provides funds to improve the housing quality and resilience of certain existing HUD-assisted multifamily properties for residents through loans and grants to facilitate utility-saving, decarbonization, and climate hazard mitigating investments. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Redeveloping Coal Power Plants: Solar + Storage | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) fact sheet summarizes key considerations and approaches to support communities and developers in repurposing coal power plants to solar and storage facilities. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Coal Redevelopment | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) developed this report to help communities with significant historical ties to fossil energy understand opportunities and pursue the federal resources available to support coal power plant redevelopment. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Planning and Project Development | Build for the Future | Build for the Future empowers local communities to undertake initiatives focused on climate resiliency, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental justice. It achieves this by providing critical access to funding opportunities, offering guidance materials, and fostering peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Planning and Project Development | Climate Resources for Housing Supply Framework | The Climate Resources for Housing Supply Framework discusses how climate-related investments can support the development of fair, equitable, and affordable housing. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Planning and Project Development | Build for the Future Funding Navigator | Provides a listing of funding opportunities to support efforts to enhance climate resiliency, energy efficiency, renewable energy integration, healthy housing, workforce development and environmental justice in HUD supported communities, programs and properties. | | ||
Tools | Congressional Research Service | Planning and Project Development | Federally Supported Projects and Programs for Wastewater, Drinking Water, and Water Supply Infrastructure | Provides a list of federal agency water related projects and programs. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Federal Tax Credits for Solar Manufacturers | Provides basic details on the Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit (45X MPTC) and the Advanced Energy Project Investment Tax Credit (48C ITC). This does not constitute tax advice. | | ||
Education | Multiple | Tax Credits | 48C Overview Slides | A slide deck reviewing energy tax credit 48C. | | ||
Directories | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Health and Human Services | Health and Human Services (HHS) Regional Offices | Provides information on HSS Regional Offices | | ||
Directories | U.S. Department of Energy | Energy | Office of Community Engagement | DOE Community Engagement specialist are available to assist stakholders with inquiries. | MAILTO: [email protected] | ||
Education | Brookings Institute | Transportation and Land Use Planning | Economic Value Atlas: A new approach to regional transportation and land use planning | Outlines the steps taken in metropolitan Portland to build an Economic Value Atlas to bring a more economic - driven thinking to their regioanl planning and investment policies and practices. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Technical Assistance | Smart Growth | Smart growth is an overall approach of development and conservation strategies that can help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, socially diverse, and resilient to climate change. | | ||
Directories | U.S. Department of Treasury | Treasury | List of SSBCI Capital Programs and Contacts | Searchable table of State Small Business Credit Iinitiative programs for the states, the District of Columbia, and territories that have been approved by Treasury. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Treasury | Treasury report | SSBCI Quarterly Report through September 30, 2023 | Most recent quarterly report on the U.S. Department of Treasury's State Small Business Credit Initiative programs that spur lending and investing in small businesses and provide technical assistance to small businesses. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and CHIPS Act of 2022 (CHIPS) Pre-Filing Registration Tool | Internal Revenue Service instructions on the Pre-filing tool for taxpayers intending to make an elective payment or credit transfer election of the qualifying tax credit. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Technical Assistance | Request Program Assistance (HUD) | Information on receiving program and technical assistance from HUD. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Technical Assistance | Thriving Communities Technical Assistance | The Thriving Communities Technical Assistance (TCTA) program is designed to support coordination and integration of transportation and housing in infrastructure planning and implementation. | | ||
Finance | U.S. Department of Energy | Funding | The American-Made Challenges | The American-Made Challenges are a series of prize competitions, in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), that are designed to incentivize the nation's entrepreneurs to reenergize innovation and reassert American leadership in the energy marketplace. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Technical Assistance | Clean Energy to Communities Program: Expert Match | Through the U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program, NREL, other national laboratory experts, and select organizations provide Expert Match—free, short-term technical assistance to address near-term clean energy challenges and questions. | | ||
Technical Assistance | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Technical Assistance | Community Disaster Resilience Zones | Based on the Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act, this page provides platform tools, designation maps, and support to communities which are most at risk from the effects of natural hazards and climate change. | | ||
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Tax Credits | 30C Tax Credit Information page | This page provides additional information and elgibility locations for the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit – 26 U.S. Code § 30C. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Agriculture | Technical Assistance | Rural Development Innovation Center | The Rural Development Innovation Center works to improve prosperity for rural communities through its three divisions: Strategic Engagement, Data Analytics and Regulations Management. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Economic Development | INVESTING IN AMERICA: Best Practices to Expand Access to Jobs and Economic Opportunity Through Transportation Infrastructure Investments | The report includes detailed recommendations on how state and local transportation agencies can expand access to jobs and opportunity for several underrepresented groups including women, young people, justice-involved, and people of color. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Technical Assistance | US DOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization | DOT assistance and resources to small businesses. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Technical Assistance | Workforce Development Initiative | DOT's Federal Transit Administration provides resources and support for public transit agencies to recruit, retain and train transit workers to ensure the transit industry has the workforce needed for today and in the future. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Treasury | Tax Credits | Clean Energy Tax Incentives: Elective Pay Eligible Tax Credits | Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Publication 5817-G lists clean energy tax credits that qualify for elective pay. | | ||
Education | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | 8 Things to Know About Converting Coal Plants to Nuclear Power | DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy provides insight on transitioning coal stations to nuclear power plants. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Redeveloping Coal Power Plants: Wind + Storage | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) fact sheet summarizes key considerations and approaches to support communities and developers in repurposing coal power plants to wind and storage facilities. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Redeveloping Coal Power Plants: Energy-Related Industrial Facilities (EV Manufacturing) | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) fact sheet summarizes key considerations and approaches to support communities and developers in repurposing coal power plants to energy-related industrial facilities. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Redeveloping Coal Power Plants: Nuclear Power | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) fact sheet summarizes key considerations and approaches to support communities and developers in repurposing coal power plants to nuclear power facilities. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Coal-To-Nuclear Transitions: An Information Guide | The Office of Nuclear Energy provides an information guide for communities considering replacing their retired or retiring coal power plants with nuclear power plants. This guide offers communities a high-level look at the economic impacts, workforce transition considerations, and policy and funding information relevant to a coal-to-nuclear transition. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Departments of Energy and Transportation | Planning and Project Development | Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Playbook | The playbook offers interactive resources for communities, planning organizations, local and state governments, Tribal Nations, and other decision makers to help navigate important considerations when planning and deploying EV charging infrastructure. Modules can be followed in order or used as standalone resources to meet your community’s unique needs. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Energy | Wind | Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Offshore Wind Deployment | The report analyzes recent market challenges and solutions already underway, finding that the sector is adapting to recent cost pressures and will see lower risk and costs as deployment scales over time. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Resources | Environmental Justice (EJ) Clearinghouse | The Environmental Justice Clearinghouse provides federal agency resources, including funding opportunities, screening and mapping tools, and technical assistance related to environmental justice. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Energy | Technical Assistance | Onsite Energy Program | The program provides technical assistance, market analysis, and best practices to help industrial facilities and other large energy users increase the adoption of onsite clean energy technologies. | | ||
Tools | U.S. Department of Transportation | Planning and Project Development | Transit Resilience Guidebook | The Federal Transit Administration developed the guidebook as a reource to help transit agencies, local government officials, metropolitan planning organizations, and other entities anticipate, adapt to, and recover from service disruptions caused by extreme weather events, natural disasters, and climate change impacts. | | ||
Tools | White House | Planning and Project Development | Climate Capital Guidebook | This Guidebook provides a comprehensive map of capital programs across the federal government that are available to climate-related start-ups, small- and medium-sized businesses, and their investors. | | ||
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Data | Energy Communities IWG Site Review Tool | This map is a resource for manufacturers and investors interested in developing or expanding clean energy manufacturing projects in energy communities and nationwide. | | ||
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Resources | Energy Affordability Resource Map | The Energy Affordability Resource map is a resource for homeowners and renters to identify energy affordability programs that can assist them. | | ||
Data and Maps | U.S. Department of Energy | Planning and Project Development | Community Benefits Map for Demonstration and Deployment Projects | This map identifies where DOE’s demonstration and deployment investments are occurring and includes high-level snapshots of the community benefits that may be associated with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding. The projects on this map represent a subset of the publicly announced BIL and IRA selected and awarded projects requiring community benefits plans. | | ||
Technical Assistance | U.S. Department of Transportation | Resources | The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) | The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) features information on transportation coordination for state and local stakeholders. The library includes reports, webinars, technical briefs, training, and toolkits developed by the the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and its technical assistance centers. | | ||
Category | Associated Agency | Resource Type | Description |