FY 2023 Recompete Pilot Program Phase 2
- Currently Closed
Open Date:
Close Date:
Upcoming Milestones:
Eligible Recipients:
- Local Governments
- Native/Tribal Entities
- Non-profits
Program Purpose:
- Economic Development
- Education and Workforce Development
- Other Infrastructure
- Technical Assistance
Reserved for Energy
Funded by:
Awards made under this NOFO will seek to alleviate persistent economic distress and support long-term comprehensive economic development and job creation, in places with a high prime-age (25 to 54 years) employment gap. Through this NOFO, EDA expects to award implementation funds to 4-8 Finalists, which will include selecting approximately 3-8 projects within each. Implementation grants can support a wide range of non-construction and construction activities that aim to increase regional capacity across the following four broad categories: workforce development; business and entrepreneur development; infrastructure; and additional planning, predevelopment, or technical assistance.
Related Resources
Additional information is available on the Resources page.Funding Details
Funding Source:
- Annual Appropriation
Funding Type:
Total Amount Available:
Limit per Applicant:
Estimated Awards:
Applicant Guidance
NOTE: Only applicants that EDA approved a Recompete Plan in Phase 1 will be permitted to apply to Phase 2.