SuperTruck Charge
- Planned
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Program Purpose:
- Energy Infrastructure
Reserved for Energy
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This anticipated funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will advance goals to decarbonize transportation and seek research, development, demonstration, and deployment of concepts for delivering high power charging, load management, and delivery of grid services that alleviate grid capacity challenges at a large-scale charging installation for medium duty and heavy-duty (MD/HD) trucks through optimal design of charging infrastructure and operations, critical to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
This potential FOA may consist of the following Areas of Interest: Grid-integration of High-Power Infrastructure Charging Solutions for Heavy Duty EVs. This Area of Interest will seek innovative research, development, and demonstration of concepts for delivering high power charging, load management, and delivery of grid services that alleviate grid capacity challenges at a large-scale charging installation for medium duty and heavy-duty (MDHD) trucks through optimal design of charging infrastructure and operations.
This Area of Interest will have two sub-topics, focused on:
- Sub-topic 1: Truck Depots concentrated near hubs, ports, warehouses, and other logistics operations
- Sub-topic 2: Truck Stops/Travel Centers along key freight corridors
Approaches of interest include, but are not limited to, load sharing, peak shaving, delayed charging, bi-directional power-flow, utilization of on-site distributed energy resources (ex. battery energy storage, solar generation), coordination with other on-site loads, and other approaches that optimize operation and integration with the grid and accelerate deployment timelines. Projects should demonstrate innovative flexible charging capabilities that account for available load capacity and grid conditions while meeting customer needs, showing high utilization, and remaining cost-effective. Successful demonstrations will show potential business models that are replicable across these core segments of the trucking market and show how investments can result in a downward pressure on electricity rates for all customers.
Projects should provide evidence to support the interoperability of high-power charging for a wide range of battery electric truck makes and models, and provide public data on truck charging profiles, asset utilization, and customer behavior to DOE and other DOE efforts including those supported by national laboratories. Demonstration teams may consist of MDHD original equipment manufacturer (OEMs), fleet/depot operators, travel centers, charging equipment OEMs, utilities, local governments, Clean Cities Coalitions, national laboratories, and other relevant partners.
Related Resources
Additional information is available on the Resources page.Funding Details
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Applicant Guidance
Contact Information
Jessica Sartor, 304-285-0518, [email protected]