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Transmission Acceleration Grants (TAG)

Open Date:


Close Date:


Eligible Recipients:

  • Native/Tribal Entities
  • Non-profits
  • Regional Transmission Organization (RTO)/Independent System Operators (ISO)
  • State Governments

Program Purpose:

  • Energy Infrastructure

Reserved for Energy


Upcoming Milestones:

Submission Deadline: 1/21/2025 by 5:00 pm ET


Grid Deployment Office (GDO)

Funded by:

U.S. Department of Energy


Transmission Acceleration Grants (TAG) will support State and Tribal efforts to accelerate and improve transmission siting and permitting and strengthen transmission planning for critical transmission lines (100 kV or greater) in any area of the country. Eligible participants are State or Tribal entities, or entities working with them such as regional transmission planning organizations, regional-state committees, or not-for-profit organizations. The TAG Program is making $10 million in funding available at this time.

Transmission Acceleration Grants (TAG) are a new opportunity from the Grid Deployment Office to accelerate transmission development. These grants will support initiatives to modernize and accelerate State transmission planning, siting, and permitting processes and increase the capacity of State and Tribal governments to engage in transmission development activities. States and Tribes (or entities working with them, such as regional transmission planning organizations, regional-state committees, or not-for-profit organizations) can apply for a grant to study or implement modern approaches to assess the need for and impacts of new transmission infrastructure, or to increase the speed of transmission project reviews.

Example approaches include:

  • identifying preferred transmission corridors,
  • streamlining permitting processes,
  • coordinating with other jurisdictions, or
  • enhancing or expanding transmission planning and facilitation-related activities.


The TAG program will support State and Tribal efforts to accelerate and improve transmission siting and permitting and strengthen transmission planning. Through these efforts, TAG awards will advance a rapid and reliable energy transition that reduces consumer costs and makes the electricity grid more resilient, benefiting all Americans.

DOE is seeking applications from State or Tribal entities, or entities that would work directly with State and Tribal entities, for projects that support State and Tribal efforts to plan, review, or permit critical transmission lines expected to operate at a voltage of 100 kV or greater in any area of the country. Applications should present a plan of no more than 12 months of activities in support of State and Tribal efforts in one or more of the following areas:

  • improving planning by identifying and/or evaluating corridors, zones, or other types of areas that may be designated as preferred locations for siting transmission infrastructure;
  • streamlining transmission siting and permitting processes and approvals, especially in jurisdictions where permitting authority is spread among many different actors (e.g., local governments), such as through establishing a single State-wide permitting authority or joining together with one or more neighboring States to establish a shared multi-State permitting authority;
  • enhancing or expanding other transmission-related activities, such as engaging in transmission planning, establishing State- or Tribal-based funding or financing programs for transmission facilities, developing new transmission-focused governmental organizations (e.g. state transmission authorities), or pursuing coordination among entities within the State or with other States;
  • increasing capacity to meet rising siting and permitting workloads, particularly where the siting and permitting authority faces unprecedented levels of demand.

These can be collaborative, multi-jurisdictional initiatives, or single-State efforts. An entity may submit only one application but may be a participant in multiple applications led by other entities.

DOE has at least $10 million available for this funding opportunity. Each award is limited to a maximum of $3 million. There will be no federal cost share requirement.

Related Resources

Additional information is available on the Resources page.

Funding Details

Funding Source:
Funding Type:
Grant - no match
Total Amount Available:
Limit per Applicant:
Estimated Awards:

Applicant Guidance

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