How to Become a Technical Assistance Provider
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Many agencies use private and nonprofit partners to provide technical assistance to help applicants formulate projects, apply for funds, and in some cases manage grants and projects.
The clearinghouse lists those opportunities that are open and closed at this time. Many closed opportunities reopen as funding permits, and as such are included in this list for informational purposes and to show the breadth of opportunities to be a technical assistance provider.
Sample of agencies and programs that contract for Technical Assistance with nonfederal partners:
The Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTACs) will provide technical assistance, training, and other eligible forms of assistance, resources, and support to program participants.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Finance Center
Technical assistance providers will help communities develop and submit project proposals, including State Revolving Fund (SRF) applications for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding. Environmental Finance Centers (EFCs) will support underserved communities with technical assistance to identify sustainable infrastructure solutions.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Technical Assistance to Brownfields
EPA provides funding to organizations to conduct research and to provide training and technical assistance to communities to help address their brownfields challenges. Please review the Technical Assistance, Training, and Research Application Resources.
U.S. Department of Transportation Thriving Communities Program Regional Capacity Builder Cooperative Agreements
This program offers funding for capacity builders to provide technical assistance, planning and support to communities to build the tools, skills and resources they need to successfully implement transformative projects.
U.S. Department of Transportation/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Thriving Communities Information for Capacity Builders
DOT is establishing a national technical assistance program that will drive innovation and build a national pipeline of community-driven infrastructure projects to help those communities with the highest degree of burden and capacity constraints.
U.S. Department of Energy SolSmart Providers
Advisors evaluated existing local government programs and processes and applied industry-leading best practices. Learn more about our recent SolSmart Advisors and some of their key accomplishments by downloading our fact sheet here.
U.S. Department of Energy Community Energy Fellows
DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) will match fellows with Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program formula-eligible local and Tribal governments. By hosting a Fellow, local and Tribal governments will bolster their EECBG Program Projects, gain new perspectives, and accelerate the national transition to resilient and affordable clean energy.
Current Technical Assistance Provider News
We’d like to hear your ideas for technical assistance to communities and other eligible applicants. Please let us know with an email to [email protected].